i am in an old house. i need to use the toilet. you are there, and there is a man. i take a ䷔䷔䷔䷔䷔䷔䷔ from the fridge and bring it to the bathroom with me. it's a tiny and cramped wooden room at the front of the old house, and the door is too short for the jamb so you can see in. the man comes with me. i drop the ䷔䷔䷔䷔䷔䷔䷔ in the toilet bowl and have to fish it back out with my bare hands. there's nowhere to put it. the man is in the way.

i am in a public urinal and i need to use it. my tshirt is wet so i need to dry it in the hand dryer. i take my shirt off and i really don't want to drop it on the piss-covered ground. i walk to the urinals. they are as tall as me. someone has left behind a crushed blue velvet shirt and matching coat, hanging on one of the urinals. i panic for a moment because i think it's mine and it's touching the urinals, but then i realise it must belong to someone else. i dry my shirt and put it back on. it's the shirt i wore to the ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒ in ▚▚▚▚ when i cut my chest open with a broken bottle.
