weave (wēv)
a. To make (cloth) by interlacing the threads of the weft and the warp on a loom
b. To interlace (threads, for example) into cloth
2. To construct by interlacing or interweaving strips or strands of material
a. To interweave or combine (elements) into a complex whole
b. To contrive (something complex or elaborate) in this way

weaving ritual is a naive attempt at mending the snapped threads in a bond between two bodies. 
a bitter prayer to conjure a flow of healing. 
a final grasp at frayed ends.
what began as a single fever blossomed wildly, every dizzying session a hydra head. 
the humble first thread became a fuller bloom, a cloying summer pollen thick with seed and dragging six fat strands: 

the jaundice stains of sulphur, 
the delicate spider wire, 
the ragged bone, 
the oil-stained concrete overpass, 
the derivative, 
and the solitary. 
sculpted as a whole, the sums of their parts are as crucial as the gaps between them.

"waves of the sun crash on the streets of berlin. your grief crushes me from all angles. both our worlds are yellow with death."

of its failure i had no inkling in advance
